
Connect with our network for expert or peer-to-peer advice. Our network includes experts across many aspects of toilet design, available for contact. Each person’s profile features their biography, contact details and their areas of expertise.

You are welcome to contact a network expert directly. If no contact details are provided, you can write to them at and we will forward your message.

Our experts speak in their personal and professional capacities – their views do not represent TINKLE or those of others in the network. We also recommend that you seek more than one perspective!

Would you like to volunteer to be added to the Network? Please send us your details via this form.

Social Worker by background turned Filmmaker who is training as a Family Therapist.
Rupert Williams Filmmaker (Bathroom Privileges) and Social Worker I am interested in how filmmaking and therapy work together. I’ve made a short film, Bathroom Privileges about marginalised communities not having1
Impact ProductionStorytelling